Greetings, Mercian Nationalists, and welcome to our new Blogg. We believe it is the first Blogg to have been set up on the topic of Mercian Nationalism, another first for us, after we set up the first web sight for Mercian Nationalism in 2003.
It is very appropriate that we use the "Blogg" format, as it is named after Jeremiah Blogg, of Lichfield, an early pioneer in Mercian consciousness, who first demonstrated the format in theMercian newspaper "The Mercian". Times have changed, though, and now we are of course using an electronic Blogg.
We aim here to provide a Mercian Nationalist perspective on news and events in Mercia, the rest of the "United" Kingdom, and on broader world events - a viewpoint all too sadly ignored by the Wessex-Kentish media elite.